185,00 DKK

Model/Varenr.: 9789490153366
Lagerstatus: På lager

Skrevet af J. GLAZENER

‘Baksteen’ pays tribute to the humble and ubiquitous brick, a cheap,
versatile material that has been in use for more than 5,000 years. It
explores the brick’s many different uses: as a means of protest, or to
build walls for protection, exclusion, and captivity. Curated by Judith
van Meeuwen, Lara Stolwerk and the team at Kunsthal KAdE, the ‘Baksteen’
exhibition is accompanied by this catalogue. It includes both new and
old brick artworks from more than 50 artists, architects, and designers
from around the world. Additionally, seven makers were specially invited
to create brick follies as part of a brick route, featuring special
bricks around Amersfoort.