

480,00 DKK

Model/Varenr.: 9781911422174
Lagerstatus: På lager

Skrevet af RYWERT

It is dif­fi­cult to imag­ine the his­to­ry of mod­ern archi­tec­ture in Britain being writ­ten with­out ref­er­ence to the work of Eldred Evans and David Shalev. From 1967, when they won the inter­na­tion­al com­pe­ti­tion for New­port High School, Evans and Shalev main­tained a dis­tinc­tive pres­ence as designers.They cre­at­ed a body of work that is uni­form­ly inno­v­a­tive, ele­gant and sen­si­tive to place, and realised with care, skill and intelligence.This new mono­graph doc­u­ments their remark­able oeu­vre as it devel­oped over six decades.