Oltre Terra is an ongoing investigation conducted by Formafantasma focused on the history, ecology, and global dynamics of the extraction and production of wool. Commissioned by the National Museum of Oslo, and curated by Hanne Eide, the exhibition is on view from May 26th to October 1st 2023.In the exhibition "Oltre Terra. Why Wool Matters" the multidisciplinary design studio Formafantasma investigates the history, ecology and global dynamics of the extraction and production of wool. A wide range of artworks, agricultural and cultural objects, photographs, videos, and other materials shows how wool is more than simply a raw material for the design and textile industries. The domestic sheep as we know them today evolved over the course of hundreds of years. Humans gave sheep food and protection from predators and got wool in return - a material with magical properties that profoundly altered the course of both human and animal history