390,00 DKK

Model/Varenr.: 9783960985433
Lagerstatus: På lager

This issue of 2G is dedicated to the work of the French architecture studio Muoto.

Studio MuotoŽs activities cover the fields of architecture, urbanism, design and scientific research. Muoto means 'form' in Finnish. Muoto's work often features minimal structures made of rough materials, as a means to combine different activities, and merge economical as well as aesthetic issues. Vertical diversity as an articulation between building and city scales is a recurrent figure in Muoto's projects.

The office has been rewarded by several prizes, such as Holcim Awards 2014, Equerre d'Argent 2016, and Bauwelt 2017.

Content of this issue:

Technical station, Bois d'Archy
Dwellings, nursery and emergency shelter Paris
Educational cluster Clichy-le-Neuf
Office building, Moussy-le-Neuf
Public condenser, Paris-Saclay University Campus
Sales pavilion, Rungis
Sports hall, Calais
City of Virtual Reality, Laval
School group, Boulogne-Billancourt
23 dwellings, Paris
Technopole, Saint-Lo
INA extension, Bry-sur-Marne
Residence for researchers, Paris
Social condenser, Lille
Ilot 3B, Lille
French Tech Hall, Montpellier